by Kathryn Bing-You | Apr 25, 2022 | Musings
Did you know that “within nine seconds of entering a building, we take on the consciousness of that space”?* Yes, the places where we live and work have their own life force, which can be a collective consciousness or something completely separate from the people who...
by Kathryn Bing-You | Apr 18, 2022 | Musings
There was a full moon last Saturday, which means the next two weeks will be a time of deconstruction energetically, a time of disintegration and decomposition in the natural world. It also means that this waning phase of the lunar cycle will be an excellent time to do...
by Kathryn Bing-You | Apr 11, 2022 | Musings
This month marks the 20th anniversary of my becoming a certified Qi-Mag Feng Shui consultant. Hooray! My education began with a series of classes in a San Francisco hotel; took me on a side trip to a fascinating dowsing course in Toronto, Canada; and culminated a year...
by Kathryn Bing-You | Apr 4, 2022 | Musings
The key to balancing the gifts and challenges of this Water Tiger year is intuition. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines intuition as 1) “the power of . . . attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought. . .” and 2) “quick and ready...
by Kathryn Bing-You | Mar 28, 2022 | Musings
Last week I talked about how the Year of the Tiger related to the tumultuous events that are still unfolding in Eastern Europe. Today I want to focus on the gifts of a Tiger year. For example, some of the positive qualities of a tiger include authoritative, brave,...
by Kathryn Bing-You | Mar 21, 2022 | Musings
It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, but what’s going on in the world right now is really distressing – and I’m feeling the need to share some information with you that might help put things in perspective. You may not know it, but the Year of the Tiger began...